Plasma Skin Tightening

Plasma Fibroblasting is an incredibly effective treatment for rejuvenating problem areas like the eyes, a procedure known as non-surgical eye-lift or Blepharoplasty. A single session will instantly tighten saggy eyelids and reduce the appearance of crow’s-feet, taking years off your whole face.


What is a Plasma skin tightening treatment?

A new treatment specifically designed to dramatically enhance looks without cutting, burning, or removing excess skin or fat, plasma fibroblasting is a great substitute for traditional surgical and injectable treatments.

What are Fibroblasts?

Dermal fibroblast. Dermal fibroblasts are cells within the dermis layer of skin that are responsible for generating connective tissue and allowing the skin to recover from injury.

The micro-trauma caused by plasma stimulates Fibroblasts, existing collagen and elastin in the skin and promotes the production of new skin cells which will help to strengthen, plump and tighten the skin.

New cell production continues for several weeks after a session. This helps to refine fine lines and wrinkles, and improve the overall complexion of the skin.

Fibroblasts are critical in supporting healing functions of the skin and involved in key processes such as creating a new extracellular matrix (ECM) and collagen.

How does Plasma skin tightening work?

Plasma Fibroblasting treatments work on the principle of ionized gas in the air. At the right distance from the skin, oxygen and nitrogen are mixed, and the electrostatic energy produces the plasmatic effusion or arc, which discharges onto the skin.

Without actually touching the skin, this plasma arc vaporises the skin forcing it to contract and stimulates fibroblasts – the cells responsible for the production of collagen.

Small carbon crusts form on the skin, resembling dots, which slough away over the coming days to reveal regenerated skin.

This micro-trauma and stimulation is the key to the treatment’s results.

What to Expect from Plasma Treatment?

To ensure client comfort a local anesthetic cream can be applied before commencing the procedure. Your clients can expect a small degree of swelling when treating the eye area, which usually resolves quickly within 3 or 4 days.

Small circular carbon crusts form at each treatment point, which goes away after a few days but may take up to a week to completely clear. After-care balms expedite healing and minimize infection risk. Once the skin has healed your client will be left with more youthful, radiant skin.

The results from this treatment are dramatic and long-lasting, so usually, a single treatment is enough to achieve the results your clients will want.

However, if your clients want a stronger result then the procedure can be repeated after 3 months. Because of its permanency repeat treatments are only required further as your client genetically ages.

How long does Plasma Skin tightening last?

The effects should last as long as they would with invasive surgery. The results can last you years depending on the area treated. The positive effects of treatment will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment, but the best results will be seen after 12 weeks.

Like any surgical procedure, the effects aren’t entirely permanent and won’t stop the aging process. However, the results you get should last you for many years. The positive effect of the Plasma Fibroblast treatment will be noticeable almost immediately after the first treatment and continuing over 4 weeks.

Is Plasma Skin Tightening painful?

Plasma is mild to moderately uncomfortable. Everyone’s pain level is different and some areas of the body are more sensitive than others. Numbing cream is helpful in reducing the discomfort during treatment.

What is the aftercare advice for Plasma skin tightening?

Clients can resume normal activities immediately after their session.

A sensation like a sunburn is often observed, if clients feel particularly aware of the treatment area over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen can be taken.

Do not pick, peel or pull at carbon crust – wait for them to slough away naturally. This period of visually not looking 100% is worth the wait!

The area treated must be kept free of all makeup, mascaras, creams, and lotions other than recommended aftercare products.

Cleanse the area twice daily with mild soap and lukewarm boiled water to avoid the build-up of bacteria. Do not use alcohol-based cleaners or apply plasters as this can slow healing.

Expect some swelling for one to five days after treatment – recovery times are generally shorter than this. This is a normal reaction, and part of the initial stages of the skin healing & rebuilding. Typically swelling is at its worst on day 3 and will have subsided by day 5.

To prevent scabbing, clients should keep the area moist using aftercare products, and supplementing their diet with additional vitamin C.

Clients must contact the clinic if at any time the area becomes hot, red, or shows signs of infection.

There may be occasional weeping; this is normal and part of the healing response.

As the area heals and dries, a light crust can form on the skin. Do not pick, and keep clean and dry.

Clients must wear SPF50 and stay out of the sun for 6+ weeks to avoid HYPERPIGMENTATION.

price list

Upper eyelids-£250

Under eye area-£200

Brow lift-£150

Crow’s feet-£250

Lip flip- £200

Top lip lines-£300

Bottom lip lines-£250


Nasolabial lines-£250 

Neck lift-£400 

stretch marks from-£100

scars from-£100